I would like if you would draw my fox girl with short ears in your style. Character Data: - gender is female - species: humanoid fox with a mostly human body which features short fox ears (yeah I know most people draw them long, but she is not a fennec); a fox tail; fox eyes with slitted (vertical) pupils; a fox tongue; has no human ears, only flat skin with her normal hair where humans have their ears - hair color: dark brown which is almost black (fur color is the same as the hair color except for the highlights) - eye color: green with some hints of brown (like hazel eyes) [eye color reference: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105665641] - fur highlights: white tail tip, white ear tips, white fluff inside the fox ears - age: between 20 and 30 - height: 175cm (with paws approximately 190cm) - feet: human like feet with four toes that look like https://kmwg.moe/webroot/request-references/brownhaired-fox-girl/approximate_shape_of_footprints_scaled_up_with_descriptive_text.png + https://kmwg.moe/webroot/request-references/brownhaired-fox-girl/approximate_shape_of_footprints_scaled_up_with_descriptive_text_side_view.png or alternatively fox hindpaws with winter fur like https://kmwg.moe/webroot/request-references/brownhaired-fox-girl/Martin 2 - clear noBG2_1000x1000.png (summer fur color scheme: https://kmwg.moe/webroot/request-references/brownhaired-fox-girl/Martin_-_Clear_2_with_hind_paws_700x1000.png) feel free to change her clothes like you want. also feel free to add weapons of your choice or completely leave them out. please paint as much as you see fit and surprise me. reference: https://kmwg.moe/webroot/request-references/brownhaired-fox-girl/ + Skeb Profile